Laser Removal of Facial & Leg Veins
Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic is one of the leading laser cosmetic clinics in the Midlands to offer facial thread vein removal. Dr Sagoo, a laser expert, has treated hundreds of clients with thread veins and reticular veins for the last 15 years. Thread veins can be embarrassing to some people and may affect their confidence in public. Laser removal of thread veins usually causes minimal discomfort and downtime, and over a course of monthly sessions may significantly reduce the appearance of veins.
The clinic regularly receives referrals from private hospitals as well as GPs and clients from across the UK.
The clinic uses the most advanced Nd: YAG vascular laser (Cutera Coolglide) which gives superior results.
The Cutera CoolGlide Difference
The Cutera CoolGlide combines the ideal laser wavelength with the most flexible parameters to deliver a superior vascular laser system. It treats a broad range of vessels from tiny spider veins to deep blue reticular veins quickly, safely, and effectively. Patients with dark, light or tanned skin can experience outstanding results with minimal bruising or blistering.
How does CoolGlide Vein Therapy work?
The Cutera CoolGlide systems deliver pulses of light energy which cause the blood within the vein to coagulate, eventually destroying the vessel which is later reabsorbed by your body. Blood flow will then be redirected to veins deeper below your skin’s surface, where it should be.
Who can be treated with the Cutera CoolGlide?
The Cutera CoolGlide features a unique design and long wavelength that allows treatment of patients of all skin tones. Your physician will advise you if CoolGlide Vein Therapy is right for you.
What types of veins can be treated?
The Cutera CoolGlide can remove unsightly veins from all parts of the body. Small, facial veins (or “telangiectasia”) can be treated quickly without bruising or complication. Spider veins and large blue leg veins can also be treated with excellent results. Knotty varicose veins are not good candidates. A careful evaluation with your physician will help you determine which vessels can be treated and the best course of treatment.
How does this compare to Sclerotherapy?
Your doctor will advise you on the best course of action, but many physicians and patients prefer CoolGlide Vein Therapy because there are no painful injections.
What about blood blisters?
Blood blisters or “hemangiomas” respond very well to CoolGlide Vein Therapy, usually with just one treatment. Patients with port wine stains and other vascular lesions who had given up on finding a solution have been overwhelmed by the success of their CoolGlide vascular treatments.
How many treatments will I need?
Often, patients find that one or two treatments are sufficient. However, the number of treatments necessary depends on the number, colour, and size of the vessels being treated. Since individual results vary, ask your medical professional about your specific condition.
Do the treatments hurt?
Most patients experience a stinging sensation as the pulses of energy are delivered through the handpiece. Although no local anaesthesia or pain medication is typically required, many patients opt to use a topical anaesthetic prior to treatment. Following the treatment, the pain is minimal to nonexistent.
What happens after the treatment?
Following your treatment, some redness or bruising may occur. When larger veins are treated, a tan or brownish pigment may persist for a few weeks or months following treatment. Patients who have leg vein treatments may be advised to wear support hose for a short period of time.
What are the possible side effects?
Although many patients report few if any side effects, those most commonly noticed are slight reddening and local swelling of the skin. These effects typically last for less than 24 hours. Some patients may experience bruising and, in rare instances, blistering may occur. Consult with your medical professional for complete information on the benefits and risks of treatment.
Are there any restrictions on my activity after treatment?
Patients generally resume most normal activities immediately. However, it is recommended that you avoid vigorous activities such as strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours after treatment. The use of sunscreen is recommended on any treated areas exposed to the sun. As always, it is a good idea to limit your sun exposure.
When will I see results?
Most patients find that the majority of the treated veins have shown significant improvement within two to six weeks of treatment. However, your final results may not be apparent for several months. Over time, it is possible for new veins to appear, but these too can be removed with the Cutera CoolGlid.
Facial Thread Vein Removal
Also called ‘broken veins,’ these are fine red veins appearing near the skin surface. They may be caused by sun exposure, cold weather, and hormonal changes during pregnancy and family history. The veins may become larger over time and may appear in clusters. They can look unsightly for the individual.
Spider Veins
These are small arteries which have ‘feeding’ veins radiating from them, which may look like a spider. They are often located on the face, neck and upper chest.
Leg Veins
Leg thread veins are common and embarrassing to many women, affecting their confidence when showing their legs on holiday and altering the types of clothes they are willing to wear. These veins can usually be treated with laser therapy, with significant improvement often occurring after only a few sessions. Larger blue leg veins, up to 3mm across, can also be effectively treated in many cases. For larger varicose veins, Dr Sagoo works closely with a vascular surgeon who can carry out doppler scans to assess circulation and then treat these by injection or surgery.
Thread Leg Veins
Reticular Veins (behind the knee)
For further information or to book a consultation with Dr Sagoo, please call us on 03300 417494.