Fungal Nail Infections

Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic, under the supervision of leading cosmetic doctor Dr.Sagoo, is the first clinic in the UK to offer this exclusive new laser treatment for fungal nail infections. Since promoting this new laser treatment, Dr Sagoo has received many referrals from chiropodists and GPs.


What causes nail infection – Onychomycosis?

Dermatophytes are the fungi most commonly responsible for causing this condition. They are specialised organisms that live off of keratin, which is the main component of nails and skin.

Where does nail infection come from?

Common sources of infection include swimming pools, public showers, gyms and nail spas. Tight-fitting shoes and other nail trauma can increase the risk of this infection. Family history, poor health and increasing age are also factors that increase the risk of nail infection.

What are the symptoms of nail infection?

You may suffer from nail infection (onychomycosis) if you have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Discoloured nails.
  • Yellow streaks under the nail.
  • Distorted or thickened nails.
  • Brittle, crumbly or ragged nail.
  • Nails separated from the underlying skin.
  • The build-up of debris (nail fragments, skin) under the nail.
  • White spots or streaks on the nail surface.

Only a doctor can accurately make the diagnosis of onychomycosis, after examining you.

What treatments are available for nail infections?

Current treatment options for nail infection include oral drugs, topical drugs, and laser devices. No single treatment is effective in all patients and there are risks and benefits associated with each one.

Oral drugs

For some patients, this can be very effective in eliminating nail infections and restoring clear nails.

Topical drugs

Though sometimes used, they seem to be less effective in treating nail infections and restoring clear nails. The drugs are applied directly to the nails daily for up to twelve months. In some patients, the drug is ineffective because it cannot pass through the nail to reach the infection.


Genesis is a new laser that has been designed for safely and effectively improving onychomycosis (toenail fungus). By targeting the fungus directly, Genesis gets to the source of the problem immediately.

How does Genesis work?

Tiny pulses of light from the Genesis laser pass through the toenail to the fungus underneath. The fungus is irradiated without any damage to the surrounding nail or skin.

How long does the procedure take?

Depending on how many toes are affected, the Genesis Plus laser procedure will take ten to twenty minutes.

Is Genesis Plus painful?

Most people feel a slight warming sensation during the procedure. No pain medication is needed and most people find the treatment very easy to tolerate.

How many sessions will I need?

Many patients only need one session, but some need more if they have severe cases of toenail fungus.

Are there any restrictions on my activity post-procedure?

You can resume your normal activities immediately.

When will I see results?

You won’t notice anything immediately following treatment, even if the fungus has been completely eradicated. However, as your nail grows out, the new nail growth should be clear if the laser treatment has been successful. Toenails grow slowly, especially nails infected with fungus. So, it may take six to twelve months for your toenail to clear.

Will the fungus come back?

Reinfection with toenail fungus may be acquired anywhere from your environment, for example, in damp areas such as public swimming pools or locker rooms. Dr. Sagoo will advise on how to prevent toenail fungus from reoccurring.

When can I apply nail polish?

While it is important to remove nail polish, decoration and jewellery prior to treatment, you can reapply nail polish 24 hours after treatment.

How does Genesis compare to other toenail fungus treatments?

Traditional treatments such as nail trimming, topical medicine, or oral medicine have significant drawbacks. Nail trimming doesn’t treat the fungus. Topical medicines need to be applied for twelve months and have a low success rate. Oral medicines are taken for three months but can cause liver damage. Genesis Plus is a quick, easy, safe, effective procedure that aims to treat the fungus at the source.