Punch Excision for Acne Scarring Treatment

What is Punch Excision and how it can help with acne scarring?

Using the technique of punch excision, the acne scar is surgically removed using a surgical tool that matches the size of the scar (ideally 1.5-3.5 mm). The remaining wound is closed with a stitch. Punch excision is an ideal technique for revising deep ice pick scars and narrow, deep boxcar scars (<3 mm). This can be a much faster and more efficient way of resolving these more difficult scar types.

Many of the cosmetic problems faced by acne scar sufferers arise from the indentation and visibility of deeper scars. Punch excision effectively turns an indented scar or hole into a flat linear scar. These flat linear scars can then be further improved with laser resurfacing, and the resulting minimisation in scar appearance will be much more cosmetically acceptable. The resulting modified scar would also be flat and easily disguised with a light layer of foundation or makeup.

punch excision for acne scarring

Punch excision technique:

The punch excision of ice-pick acne scars or deep boxcar scars is a technique that can be easily adapted into a dermatology practice. Most dermatologists often perform punch biopsies for diagnostic purposes of inflammatory dermatoses.

The same technique is used to remove appropriate acne scars. A disposable punch biopsy instrument is selected that matches the size of the ice-pick or narrow boxcar scar, including the walls of the scar.

ice pick scar before treatment
Ice pick scar before punch excision treatment
ice pick scar after treatment
ice pick scar after treatment

TCA CROSS is a useful acne scar treatment procedure, but it can be a costly and time-consuming method that mildly improves scar appearance. The advantage of punch excision is that it is a one-off procedure that gets rid of the scar tract completely. Wound healing will take around three months to complete, but laser resurfacing can be performed 4 weeks post-procedure to further improve scar appearance.


The relevant scars that are to be treated are agreed upon and marked by Dr. Sagoo.

The appropriate punch size will be selected in accordance with the size of the scar to be removed. This will usually be the punch size that is the closest match to the scar diameter.

A circular motion and pressure will be used to drill out the scar, and the resulting detached scar will be removed. The remaining wound will then be closed with a stitch that will need to be removed after 7 days.

The linear scar afterwards can be further improved and resolved by carrying out C02 laser resurfacing 3 months after punch excision.

Does punch excision leave a scar?

Punch excision for acne scar revision generally does leave behind slight scarring of its own, though the scars are smaller, softer, and less noticeable than the original atrophic scars. The scar left behind after punch excision will most often resemble a small line as opposed to a depression.

Does punch excision hurt?

Prior to performing a punch excision, the treated area is injected with lidocaine. This numbs the treatment area to minimize discomfort associated with the procedure. You can generally expect that the most uncomfortable step in the process of punch excision is the simple lidocaine injection used as a local anaesthetic before the procedure. Typically, patients do not experience side effects, though there may be mild soreness at the site of treatment post-procedure for a few days.

Depressed hypopigmented scar before treatment
Depressed hypopigmented scar before treatment
Depressed hypopigmented scar after treatment
Depressed hypopigmented scar after treatment

How much is punch excision?

Estimating the price of acne scar removal can be difficult since the cost is dependent on several factors. The amount of scarring of the patient to be treated needs to be taken into consideration when estimating cost. A patient with more severe scarring may require more punch excisions than a patient with only mild or moderate scarring. Often, to achieve the best results, a combination of treatments is required. If your punch excision treatment is combined with other methods of acne scar treatment, the price can fluctuate. Dr. Sagoo would be able to advise during consultation and assessment.

Punch excision is a highly effective and precise method for addressing deep, indented acne scars like ice pick and boxcar scars. While it requires surgical intervention, the results can be transformative, significantly improving the appearance of the skin.

By combining punch excision with other treatments like laser resurfacing, we can achieve exceptional outcomes. If you're tired of struggling with acne scars, consult with a qualified cosmetic doctor to determine if punch excision is the right solution for you.

To book a consultation and assessment of acne scarring, please call us on 03300 417494.