Exclusive NEW Breakthrough may allow treatment of active acne as well as acne scarring by targetting where acne starts… in the sebaceous glands.
Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic 1st in the UK to offer this new treatment.
- Radiofrequency waves may damage the oil producing glands that cause acne.
- Simultaneous collagen stimulation which may improve acne scarring.
- Long term result for active acne may be permanent after a few treatments.
- Safe in all skin types including Asian and dark skin, compared to laser.
Fractora Active for my skin
The Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic under the supervision of leading skin specialist Dr Victor Sagoo is set to become a national Acne and Rosacea Association UK (ARA UK) accredited treatment centre for acne and rosacea by President and Founder, Professor Tony Chu.
The clinic is the first and only clinic in the UK to offer this treatment specifically for active acne, which may significantly treat moderate to severe active acne as well as acne scarring at the same time by targeting suppression of the overactive oil producing glands (sebaceous glands) under the skin which cause active acne. The treatment is safe in all skin types including Asian and black skin. This treatment is called Fractora Active.
The Science behind Fractora Active Technology
The treatment Fractora uses radiofrequency technology to heat and potentially destroy the sebaceous glands, as well as potentially stimulating collagen production, which may lead to significant long term improvements in acne vulgaris after a few treatments. No other treatment in the market specifically targets oil producing glands in this way and it is safe in all skin types from white to dark skin.
Fractionated RF energy found in Fractora Active is a scientifically proven method that may reduce wrinkles. It is minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro-pins, with the goal being to resurface and restore the skin. This treatment may provide exceptional results for many patients, with minimal patient downtime. Fractora Active delivers targeted bipolar RF energy to various selectable depths in the skin.
Fractora is the most advanced fractional radio-frequency treatment and may provide anti-ageing improvements on skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance through ablation and skin resurfacing.
Fractora Active delivers RF energy to the skin through an array of pins producing localized heat, which can cause small micro-lesion dots in the treatment area. These microneedles will produce deep heat and may destroy the sebaceous (oil producing) glands.