Skin Treatments
At Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic, we offer a wide range of skin treatments that are carried out by Dr Sagoo. We can advise you on the best treatments for you, depending on which types of skin treatments you’re comfortable with.
Keeping your skin looking young and clean is worth putting in the effort, and not just for aesthetic purposes. Your skin is your first line of defence against any bacteria or viruses, meaning it’s important to protect your skin, as it protects you. Furthermore, taking good care of your skin now, can reduce worries for the future, such as any wrinkles you may get, and even reduce the likelihood of developing skin cancer.
What Types of Skin Treatments Are There?
There are multiple options when it comes to skin treatments, determined by what you are looking to improve or fix, your skin type, and what would be the best route forward for you. Additionally, having a skin treatment at the clinic can be solely for maintaining your skin, not for a specific issue.
Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic provides many types of skin treatments, so if you’re looking for a specific treatment then click here to see all the treatments and procedures for your skin.
Our skin treatments are non-surgical, non-invasive, and most are easy to carry out, however, we also have more complex treatments available that will require more specific precautions and aftercare.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Skin?
Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress, are all things that can contribute to healthier skin, however, it’s often easier said than done. Even though it may not be the solution for you; making changes to your lifestyle can help with the maintenance of your skin.
Using sun cream or SPF daily is a simple step to take for your skin, as exposure to UV light from the sun ages your skin and occurs daily, not just when the sun is visible in the sky! Tanning beds or sunbeds also expose your skin to UV light, contributing to ageing your skin, and increasing your risk of skin cancer.
Unfortunately, while these small changes may help the appearance of your skin, there are issues that are irreversible or ongoing without the aid of skin treatments, and of course, these can also be quicker ways to do it. Common skin problems people face can have different skin treatments that can be given by our clinic. These include:
Skin Treatments for Stretch Marks
If you’re feeling conscious about stretch marks, then it’s positive to know they’ll fade eventually, and that there are skin treatments available to aid with stretch mark removal.
At Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic, we offer Medical Microdermabrasion treatment, which is a procedure involving positive air pressure and firing pure salt crystals at the surface of your skin, helping to remove the superficial ‘dead skin’ layer.
Another skin treatment for stretch mark removal is Microneedling, also known as Dermaroller therapy, which helps to repair and restore the surface of the skin and works by using micro-needles on the skin.
Find out more about stretch mark removal here.

Skin Treatments for Acne
Acne most often appears in teenagers, but can occur in adults too, commonly linked to hormone changes, for example, during adolescence or taking/stopping the pill. Sometimes the acne clears itself, however, this can take years and using skin treatments for acne helps speed up the process.
Using a skin treatment for acne takes time to work, and our clinic can provide you with non-surgical medical treatments, such as topical creams, and lotions.
Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic also delivers cosmetic treatments, including rejuvalight (diode) light therapy, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels.
Each person is individually assessed and the best plan of treatment for you is given. Find out more about acne skin treatments here.
Skin Treatments for Dark Circles
The cause of dark circles will determine the skin treatment you are offered to improve the appearance of those. This is because dark circles can be inherited and not related to any external factors, like allergies, deficiencies, dehydration, and many more.
Dr Sagoo will examine your dark circles and investigate the cause before providing any type of treatment, which can include carboxytherapy, a new technique at Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic, as well as glycolic peels, laser resurfacing and various other procedures.
Find out more about the treatment for dark circles here.

Contact Us For More
If you would like to know more about our skin treatments or any other cosmetic treatment we offer in our clinic, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you with any queries you may have.
Solihull Medical Cosmetic Clinic is specialised in chemical peel treatments and many other skin treatments that can be carried together for an optimal result. If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Dr Sagoo is one of the UK leading cosmetic doctors with many years of experience in the field and has treated over 12000 patients with over 100 different cosmetic treatments. If you would like to book an appointment, please call us at 0330 041 7494